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Research Strategy 2016-2020

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  • 225 research grants and contracts (national - ANCS; UEFISCDI; Romanian Academy, and EU-Phare, FP7, Horizon2020)

  • 1335 books

  • 3994 articles in journals and proceedings ISI and indexed in international databases

  • 6 own research journals, peer-review, indexed in international databases

  • 10+ conferences every year


Profile and areas of strength

The research at Romanian-American University (RAU) is in the domain of Social Sciences and Computer Science (Information Technologies) for Business.


The core fields in research at RAU are developed in:

  • Economics, Finance and Management

  • Sociology, political science, law

  • Environmental studies, geography, migration, regional and urban studies

  • Informatics and information systems, computer science, scientific computing, intelligent systems

  • Mathematics


Research ID

The Romanian-American University (RAU) is an accredited higher education institution organised under private law and of public function. It carries teaching and research activities, as well as knowledge transfer and dissemination.


For participating in research projects, the Romanian-American University has the status of Research Organisation and, according to the State Aid Scheme, does not constitute state aid and as such, legal provisions of state aid do not apply.



Research ID numbers:

  • EU Horizon2020 PIC: 984930435

  • EU FP7 PIC: 984930435

  • UEFISCDI CUI: 9081408

  • Registration number: 270/P.J/1991

  • VAT: Not applicable

  • NACE (CAEN):

    • 85 (Education)

    • 85.4 (Higher education)

    • 8542 (Tertiary education)

    • 72 (Scientific research and development)

    • 72.2 (Research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities)

    • 7220 (Research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities)



General description of RAU (.pdf)



Legal Entity Form (.pdf)




Research Seminars

June 06, 2016

"Open Innovation in SMEs"

Dr. Elena Stanga

May 24, 2016

"Romania after 25 years of transition"

Prof. Florin Bonciu

May 19, 2016


Dr. Mihai Nedelescu

May 18, 2016

UEFISCDI - General presentation of open calls in PNCDI III

Dr. Magda Resiga, General Director UEFISCDI

May 12, 2016

"Future skills for future jobs"

Prof. Marilena Din

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Romanian-American University

Research Department


Bd. Expozitiei 1B, Room 219

012101 Bucharest, Romania


Tel. +40(0)372.120.166


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@ Research Department

Romanian-American University

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© 2015 by Victoria Folea at RAU-Research Department.

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